It's not just a matter of copy/paste and done.
Add the mask number suffix for the face image's filename.It's work, is why people ask for some sort of compensation. We cannot change the colour yet.Īdd Colour Mask In this tutorial, we will use the main colour of the Glasses part to recolour the lenses. Start the editor, select the glasses, and check that it is being used in the generator. Face Image filename: FG_Glasses_p02_c1.png Face Image filename: FG_Glasses_p02_c2.png Charset filename: TV_Glasses_p02.png Damage Character filename: TVD_Glasses_p02.png SV Sprite filename: SV_Glasses_p02.png Match the variation number with the icon's number. For the Face Image, separate the glasses frame and lenses, and create a child layer. Create images at the specified sizes, name them according to the standard, and place them into the specified folders. However, as there are no images for the Face Image, Walking/Damage and SV Sprites, nothing will change even if we click on the icon.įace Image, Walking/Damage Character and SV Sprite Image Creation and Addition. When we start up the editor, we can check that the icon has been added to the Character Generator. Place the file into the Generator\Variation\Female\ folder. Filename: icon_Glasses_p02.png As this will be added in the second Glasses slot, the suffix is “p02”. The colour-changeable area will be defined on the lenses. Tutorial In this tutorial, we will add a pair of glasses for usage with female characters. RGB Hexadecimal Values for Charsets, SV Sprites Colour Masks and Allowed Layers RGB Hexadecimal ValuesįrontHair, FrontHair1, FrontHair2, RearHair, RearHair1, RearHair2, Beard, Beard1, Beard2Ībout the Additional Character Generator Variations D3CEC2 Recolour Masks RGB Hexadecimal Values for Face Image Colour Masks and Allowed Layers Mask Number If this is not added, colours will not be changed for that image.Ībout the Additional Character Generator Variations 30Ībout the Additional Character Generator Variations 8 This mask value is used for colour changing, which will be covered later in this document. MaskNumber This should only be added to Facesets. For Walking/Damage Character and SV Sprites, add "c" to the mask image. Mask For Facesets, specify one from the range of c1~c6, and specify the layering order of the child layers. The variation numbers of icon images must be consecutive (otherwise, the selected icon and corresponding part will not match). VariationNumber The range of p00~p99 is allowed. RPG MAKER MV GENERATOR PARTS TV
Type Type should be one of FG (Face Image), TV (Charset), TVD (Damage Character), SV (SV Sprite), or icon (Icon displayed on the Variation palette). Resource File Naming Standard Type_LayerName_VariationNumber.png Resource Format Images must have RGBA bit depth and be in 8-bit PNG-32 format.
Mac Right click RPGMaker MV.app in the RPGMaker MV installation folder, and choose “Show Package Contents”.Ĭontents\MacOS\Generator\Variation\Female\ Female icon resources Contents\MacOS\Generator\gradients.png RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\gradients.png RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\Variation\Male\ Male icon resources RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\Variation\Female\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\SV\Female\
RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\SV\Male\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\TVD\Female\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\TVD\Male\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\TV\Female\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\TV\Male\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\Face\Female\ RPGMaker MV installation folder\Generator\Face\Male\
* For Walk/Damage Character and SV Sprites, a separate mask image is required in addition to the layer image used for generation.Ĭharacter Generation Resource Folder Locations and Structure Windows Path Recolouring of Walk/Damage Character and SV Sprites A mask is used to set specific parts of the layer image to grayscale, and recolour with a gradient map. Recolouring Facesets Child layer images are set to grayscale, and recolour with a gradient map. Note however that the first slot for some parts, such as hair and beards are left blank. If icon number 1 is chosen, the image corresponding to number 1 of that part will be chosen. Layer images correspond to their respective icons in order. Additionally, Face Image layers have child layers.
About the Additional Character Generator VariationsĬharacter Generation Image Generation Transparent images (images with alpha channel) are arranged as layers to generate the final image.