For example, let’s change the face color to flat using the FaceColor property in the mesh() function. You can also change other mesh properties like the edge color using the EdgeColor property, line style using the LineColor property, face color using the FaceColor property, etc. You can see the color bar to check which value is assigned to which color. You can see in the figure, as the value of the sine wave increases, the color shifts from a colder region to a hotter region and vise versa.

In the above code, we have plotted the sine wave and changed the plot from 3D to 2D using the view() function. Using this function, we can only see two coordinates. This function changes the view of the graph. Now, let’s change this 3D plot into 2D with the help of the view() function. You can plot the given matrix on any x and y coordinate. You can see that the x and y coordinates are exactly the same as the given coordinates in the above figure. First, we have to create a mesh grid using the meshgrid() function and then pass the coordinates along with the matrix to plot the given matrix on given coordinates. Now, let’s plot a matrix on a given coordinate. For example, let’s plot the above sine wave on a summer color map. You can also change the color map to your desired color range using the colormap function. From the color bar, you can see which value is assigned to which color.

You can also show the color bar using the colorbar function. The color map assigns the lowest value to the coldest color and the highest value to the hottest color. In the above code, we plotted the color map of a sine wave. To provide the coordinates as input to the mesh() function, you have to use the meshgrid() function to make a mesh of coordinates on which the given matrix will be plotted.

The mesh() function plots a given matrix as heights on the given coordinate. If the coordinates are not given, it will use the indices of the matrix as coordinates. To plot the given matrix’s color map, you can use the mesh() function, which plots the variable on a given x and y-axis. Plot a Color Map Using the mesh() Function in MATLAB In this tutorial, we will discuss how can we plot a color map using the mesh(), meshc(), meshz(), and surf() function in MATLAB. Plot a Color Map Using the surf() Function in MATLAB.Plot a Color Map Using the meshz() Function in MATLAB.Plot a Color Map Using the meshc() Function in MATLAB.Plot a Color Map Using the mesh() Function in MATLAB.