GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY fs_list_logs_dir TO testuser1 ĬREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY fs_list_script_dir AS '/u01/fs_list/script/' We create the Oracle directory objects associated with these physical directories, granting the relevant permissions to our test user.ĬREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY fs_list_logs_dir AS '/u01/fs_list/logs/'
We create the directories using the following commands. "/u01/fs_list/control" : A directory to hold files to control which directories can be listed."/u01/fs_list/script" : A directory to hold a pre-processor script used to list the files in a directory."/u01/fs_list/logs" : A directory used by the external table to write logs.We create three directories to handle the processing of our directory listing functionality. GRANT CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW TO testuser1 We connect to a privileged user, and create a new test user.ĬREATE USER testuser1 IDENTIFIED BY testuser1 QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users List Files in a Directory From PL/SQL and SQL : Comparison of Methods.This article is based on this great article by Adrian Billigton, but it's been adjusted to suit my needs.
Java list directory contents how to#
This article shows how to list files in a directory on the database server using an external table. » Articles » Misc » Here List Files in a Directory From PL/SQL and SQL : External Table In the below program we define a recursive method listAndCount() which calls itself whenever it encounters a directory. To solve this problem we should use the recursion technique. list the files, directories and go to inside the directories. It is a recursive problem, the program needs to do the same thing in the subdirectory which it done in the parent directory i.e. In the subdirectory list all files and sub-sub-directories, and for those also go to those sub-sub-directories. In the previous program, whenever sub-directory encounters then the program just reads the name and displays it, but this time program should go inside the subdirectory. Java program to get the list of all files in directory and subdirectories This Java program get list of files and directories, display name and their count inside a directory only, it doesn’t list the sub directories and their files. If we pass a file “” as input then it displays, If we pass an empty directory then it display message, Java program to get all files and directory import It doesn’t display the correct result when we pass “abc.txt” which is a file rather than a directory, or when the passed directory is empty. And it doesn’t show files inside subdirectories.
It doesn’t tell which one is file or directory. It is a very simple Java that displays files and directories in the given directory. Simple Java program to display all files and directory import ĭir2 input.txt dir1 index.html abc.txt xyz.txt The array will be empty if there are no file system roots.Īssume we have a “TestFile” directory in our current working directory, The hierarchy of “TestFile” directory is, Or null if the set of roots could not be determined. File listRoots() It returns An array of File objects denoting the available file system roots, They return null if abstract path name is not a directory, or if an I/O error occurs. In the above five methods:- The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Matched with given FileFilter as File objects using File array. File listFiles(FileFilter filter) It returns all file and subdirectory names whose name are
File listFiles(FilenameFilter filter) It returns all file and subdirectory names whose nameĪre matched with a given filter as File objects using File array. File listFiles() It returns all file and subdirectory names as File objects Matched with given filter as String objects using String array. String list(FilenameFilter filter) It returns all file and subdirectory names whose name are Return Type Method Description String list() It returns all file and subdirectory names as String objects We can also get them through file extension. We can use them in our program to get all files and directories in a particular directory or to get all files in directory and subdirectories. In the class, methods list() and listFiles() are given with their overloaded forms to list the files and directory.